Went at the October fest in Bertrand, N.B.

Bertrand,  N.B. had a terrific beer festival this past weekend.  You could sample beers from all around the globe.  All day today was a sample festival,  and there was little place to park to sample the suds.  Beautiful weather,  and warm welcomes from everyone there.

Later on,  we went for a walk through the Acadian Historical Village.  There,  was people from France,  United States,  from all over Canada.  They have one of the regions first banks there,  as well as a restored hotel there,  a turn of the century gas station,  and a old sawmill.  One of my relatives saw the huge chimney at the sawmill and thought it was a crematorium.  Oh well.  Certainly it is not that.

As far as my book is concerned,  I try not to think of it now.  I am quite satisfied that I tried to publish something,  and I knew the risk was there that I was only going to get some local sales,  which is what is happening now.  I have become a local star.  You know,  the guy down the road who plays a wicked piano.  Or,  the guy down the road who scores a goal every time he is on the ice.   Or,  like the guy who can sink 24 beer and still hold in his puke...   Till then...


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