There is not enough time in the day.

Lately,  I have been thinking that there is not enough time in one day to get things done.  Is everyone feeling the same,  in their busy schedules,  that we are lagging behind a chore that we usually do.  Never went fishing this year,  which is a pass time I love.  I was lucky,  I guess, to go moose hunting,  but it really put me behind my own work here at home.  When you have to prepare a few days ahead, clean your hunting gear, shop,  it does take time away from the regular stuff.  The wife will try to stop me from going, again, next year... We may not get a license at that time,  as it is hard to win the draw.  50 000 applicants,  for around 3400 licences awarded.  Talk about a money grab for,  you guessed it,  the government.

I began to write some things down in a book,  of daily things I should get done.  It helped me keep on track,  and narrow the list down somewhat.  I never did cut the grass yet,  and now we will get some rain tomorrow.  We need the rain for the wells.  I am thinking of hooking up a harness from my dog to the lawnmower, and let fido cut the grass for me.  Problem is,  my dog is not does nothing in order, so my grass would look patchy and not cut neatly.  It is a good thing she pees on the lawn,  as it sure did look greener only where she peed.  I am thinking of contracting her out as a brown spot fixer for lawns..  Till then..


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