A person at work wants to put in in the news at work!

Where I work,  we got our own monthly newspaper.  Just about tidbits that go around the workplace.  Retirements, safety, and training, ect.  A lady in administration congratulated me on my book,  and wanted to know if I would like to put it in the rural bulletin or the at work bulletin.

I responded,  that at work,  I would get allot of distractions and e mails on the subject.  I rather it be a slow crawl there,  than a deluge.  But,  in the messenger,  where people cannot really bother me,  I thought that was the way to go for now.   And,  I know what you are thinking.  Why miss out on an opportunity at work to spread the word,  to make more sales.

Honestly,  I think only my own station would probably buy most of the copies.  The rest of the network,  would only glance at interest and e mail concerning details, ect.  At work,  through my work e mail,  this could leave me to a busy smurf for a little while.  I would be asked for autographs at work, the book at work,  what it is about, how did I produce it,  and that old famous saying, "can I have your handkerchief that you just rubbed your sweaty body with...."  Of course you can have it!

And I hear the Gillar prize is being awarded today in Toronto,  I think.  Well,  I was not nominated,  which is strange indeed.  Perhaps the winner will forfeit it over to me,  after learning of my books existence after 50 years go by.  Well,  at any rate,  I wish the winner the best and great writing ahead...  Have to go sleep now,  night shift coming up...  Till then...


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