2 weeks one inquiry

The bookstore in Bathurst,  I seen on the shelf that my books did not move.  I had one inquiry today,  so the woman exclaimed.  Good news,  I guess.  I got lots of time to sell them,  as I will leave them there for 6 months to a years time.  Another upside,  is that the guys at work want more books.  I am unsure as to how many,  but they are going to come to the house and get them.  They want them signed.  I told them that me signing them would only put the value of the book down.

Went to check for tires for my truck today.  1185 for BF Goodrich,  as compared to 1290 for Wranglers.  They are six ply,  off road tire.  Good for the moose hunt with my friends, whom I am just going for assistance.  If they are lucky, they will get their moose.  I am the worker, the lugger, the extra hands to help get the moose out of the  Boreal forest,  and onto the supper plate.  It is allot of work,  depending on where they get the moose down, from dressing to the butcher.

We practiced our calls tonight.  As the sun was setting in the west,  we grunted a few and smashed a few trees,  then rattled some horns.  Then,  a huge Huff, Huff, Huff, Huff came over towards the other side of the lake.  A bull moose did not like being challenged in his territory.  Unfortunately,  then more traffic went (noisy trucks) by and it probably subtracted from the work we did in trying to just have a look at the moose.  No harm was intended.  Maybe next time,  we can find a better area with less motorized vehicles in the loom.  Moose hunting season is a week away.... Till then..


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