The Days are getting shorter.

Here in the morning, the sun rises later now.   It gets dark around 8 30 pm or so now.  Soon the snow will arrive, blanketing our countryside with shivers and people running to the store for hot chocolate.  I will make sure I get my supply on e bay,  to avoid the stampede of Canadians towards the Supermarket for hot chocolate.

No news on my book.  But,  sometimes,  no news is good news.  That old saying,  that leaves everything resting on the great fjord in a calm sea.  Yes,  my book is on the fjord,  waiting to get washed away by the waves and read by schools of fishes.  Or,  caught by a passer by,  a fishing boat from Japan,  who harpoons it so badly that the pages are sheared into unreadable state.  Or maybe,  just maybe a helium filled balloon will land on the fjord, and take it away to a nice nestled home on the side of a sherwood forest...  Till then...


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