110 visits on a 108 Posts!

I first would like to thank everyone who took the time to take a little visit on here.  On 108 posts,  to date I have gotten 110 visits.  This is for a 3 month period.  I am not sure how well it is,  but personally,  I find it to be very up lifting.  Being a bum of an author,  with a pint of whiskey in his hand,  living off of chewing tobacco and a book of Macbeth in my undershorts... It is tough...  Well,  I went a little far with the chewing tobacco...

Just the fact that there must be hundreds of thousands of bloggers out there.  Trying to push something entertaining and thought riveting to you,  the viewer.  I find it great,  that I got a viewer from Russia,  a few from India,  and some from that great beer drinking country of all time,  Germany.  Canada came in second,  and the United States # 1.  Thanks so much,  for coming here,  with my weak computers skills.  I would have loved to add elevator music,  ect,  but I am not so swift with the keyboard... Sorry bout that... Till then..


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