
Showing posts from 2021

Thoughts on dividing the population into Vaccinated and Unvaccinated.

 Once again, we see Covid rates go up in many heavily vaccinated countries.  Oddly enough,  this absolutely, should not, be happening when you get over 70 % of your population vaccinated. Now, we see 90 % or more vaccinated in many countries of the world.   So, how can I call many of these so called vaccines,  vaccines. They are not, in my opinion, vaccines. They only work for a short duration of time. If it only works for a few months,  and then you have to get revaccinated, it makes absolutely no sense to do so. There has to be another way,  and Pre Treatment, allowing doctors to try different things from all around the world,  has to be the way. Here is a link to near 17 000 doctors and medical professionals who want to be the frontline in care again,  not to be told by a health czar in government in how to treat Covid. I ...

Working Mans problem with just trying to live yet being bothered by Big Government and Mandates

No doubt, thankful for being a Working Man. Merle Haggard sang about that one. One of my favorite songs. So, we, the working man, have a hard time these days to deal with things. We have to pay taxes. Taxes go up. Cost of living goes up. Raises are not what they were. We got a few zero increases in wages there. Yes. We got a Carbon tax. We got Climate Problems, problems that the Working man tries to help with, by recycling, saving energy, but we got busy lives. Family to take care of. Is the carbon tax causing higher prices on food, clothing, and other items?  Will the working man ever have it good again? Oh, and then Came,  COVID.  GREAT?  TERRIBLE! So then Covid came along. At first,  I heard it was from a bat, or a wet market. Bat soup? When is that country going to give good food to their people? Then later on, they made fun of some leader in the USA, who said it was from a Lab. Well, it probably was from a Lab, now a year gone bye. No, we cannot Prove it. P...

Ok. Enough. Ivermectin, does work, as per Doctors approval for the Human form of it. A link to a new Pill,  from a big Pharma company,  that appears to have,  Horse Paste in it. Ivermectin. Wow.  An article by Tyler Durden.  This can make many of us very upset, knowing for a long, long time,  that Ivermectin ( the human pill form,  not the horse dose, as prescribed by a doctor)  can indeed kill covid. All those people that could have been saved. Perhaps, hundreds of thousands. Sad. Tragic. Insane.   God have mercy on those who supressed the drug.

Japanase Dr. Kazuhiro Nagao, who gave Ivermectin to his patients, guess what?

 Dr, Kazuhiro Nagao,  gave Ivermectin to his patients.  For Covid. Guess what happened? In Japan! Copy and go to the link. Guess What happens to the interviewer after he gets the answer, after his 500 patients were treated with Ivermectin. Remember, always follow a Doctors orders on Ivermectin. Do not, take the Horse Dose, you must take it for your own weight, always follow a Doctors recommendation, ALWAYS.

Mass Psychosis occurring with the Vaccine Mandate today.

 Today,  we are seeing a mass Psychosis. When the governments of the world, are pushing the vaccine,  or you lose your job. When all people see this as, a good thing.  Something is wrong here.  The Mass Psychosis over a vaccine,  that is shown and proven not to work. Israel, needs boosters. They want 4 th boosters.  Are you going to develop, an anti immune dependent disease, where,  your body says I need more candy. I am addicted to the sugar,  my specific antibodies are being created for to battle just one sort of the spike protein,  not the mutants. Very dangerous. We seen,  the side affects on VAERS. 15000,  700000 side effects,  the USA alone. Euro Vaers, 20 000 dead,  both all in 9 months with the two systems. Canada,  adverse side effects, 15000 approx.   A 1 in 1000 chance of myiopercarditis.  I would not give that shot to any young people. No, something is wrong here. Just as of late, ...

The New Brunswick Citizens Alliance is taking the Mandates to Court

 I found out the other day,  that the New Brunswick Citizens Alliance is taking the unfair, coercive, illegal, mandates to court. Goverments cannot,  never, ever create overreach,  in a republic, democratic, liberal, free country where citizen must decide on what is consentual, good for the person on that persons own decision. God bless, lets hope the courts stand up against tyranny. Here is a video of doctors,  medical professionals, all over the World. Their views are all their own,  they are not for this vaccine at all. Posted by United Health Alliance.

Canada has voted for much of the same. Will minority governments be a mainstay in Canada?

Last time I looked this morning, I seen the Liberals and Justin Trudeau at 158 seats, minority status. He came into the election with 155,  might I add. He led a campaign of spend. Spent approximately, 61 million to the Media. Giving money to the media,  is that legal, just before an election. I could see the main networks, near the end were indeed feeling much giddy about the young Trudeau again. Was going to give more to seniors,  more for daycare, more help all the way around. The spending machine was cranking up.  No balanced budget in sight. Now,  with 500 billion or more he spent in 6 years over budget ( it must be 600 by now?),  he is in prime position to spend with his friend, Jagmeet Singh, the NDP leader of Canada. No doubt,  O Toole, The Conservative leader,  had to put out his own tabled spending,  no balanced budgets until maybe 10 years time. So he too,  had to put on the spending blinders, the horse had to run that way,...

You there, in the crowd. You there, who have no bias. You there, who shout for freedom. God bless you! You are my Hero!

 Yes. The ones in the crowd. In Paris. The ones in the crowd. In England.  The ones who are in the crowd,  in Australia. The USA. In Canada. All over the World!  God Bless You. When in a time as Ronald Reagan said,  in the video link below ( Posted by Denis c),  in a time where there are no Heroes,  they Just Did Not Know Where To Look. I know the Video is American, but, take the American word out,  Put in your Country, it makes no matter what Nation is put in that speech,  if you believe in Liberty and Freedom, Democracy, Rights of the Person, "Republic", then, that speech can mean the same for you also. We all want the same. Good rule. Freedom. Peace for all. TRUTH. No matter what country you live in,  we want the same outcome. I look on the streets and cities of this great Planet.  I look to you,  who holds the heart of Liberty High, Who Protests with Valor, Courage,  but yet to do not Harm to their Fellow Opponent. We ...

Draconian measures never work in the end. Someday, the Truth will be Triumphant!

 Here in New Brunswick,  we are now seeing mandatory testing for Goverment workers to take effect soon if not vaccinated. We will not be able to go into restaurants,  theatres,  or many crowded areas,  without a vaccine passport. As an Acadian,  we remember the deportation of 1755 every year. Where, the English wanted us to bow to the Queen,  and deported many of our brothers and sisters. Took away our homes.  Took away their blood, sweat, tears, and incredible work of clearing the fields, planting their winter storage, only to be wrongfully taken away by the English.  This day,  I have nothing against the English.  This happened, a long, long time ago and there were different people back then, and different and cruel thinking back then as well. I thought we evolved into a more, acceptable, peaceful species.  I guess not. When they try,  to coerce you into taking a vaccine, that has even side effects labeled right on it, a...

No one wants their Kids to Be Sick! Think twice on vaccinating them! All those clowns,  who say vaccinate your kids. Think twice.  Act once. Article by Megan Redshaw,  The Defender.

UK Scrapping Vaccine Passport Plan.

 Well,  Finally.  Some country with enough brains,  to stop the tyrannical,  Nazi style, vaccine passports. When in the Hell,  one country,  finally recognize,  treating people with IVERMECTIN ( not the horse dose,  the human dose as per a Doctors Recommendation),  will save 90 % of lives in pre treatment. Joe Rogan, Kristie Alley ( and her 97 yr old father) took Ivermectin.  It has been used by 3. 5 billion. Oh, Shoot,  I am short of maybe 500 million or so,  less side effects and deaths than,  any vaccine. They all survived, more so than any other vaccine made in the world. Time to get with the program.  PCR tests,  only show,  false positives, allot of them. IVERMECTIN. We need it now.  Stop the madness of this made in a Lab,  Virus. People,  time to wake up,  Get Back to Normal. Even the most simplest minds know,  vax passes,  decreases economic output by 10 to 30 % in ...

The Covid vaccines prevent, do not kill, Covid. So, is it time to try something else?

 Covid Vaccines. 2 shots.  Booster shots,  until when?  Many in mainstream media,  say,  it is a bioweapon, released from a lab. I tend to believe that for now. This Covid,  there are many methods to keep it at bay. There are many people,  who have contracted covid,  after vaccinations. This does not make any sense. I understand,  that they say,  it lessens the severity,  but, the effectiveness of the vaccine wears of to near nothing in the end. So.  Why did the US government,  use Remdesivir,  to treat Covid patients on Ventilators?  Why,  did they do that,  I thought that was a toxic drug. Yet,  they will not give,  Ivermectin,  a drug that was used for 6 decades, a Japanese wonder drug, a parasite killer ( give as per a Doctors recommendations,  human pill,  not the horse dose!),  at the beginning when the Covid is found in a person.  Joe Rogan,  Kristie A...

Mental Health and Coerced vaccines.

 These coerced vaccines will cause a heavy toll on Mental Illness.  Mental Illness was once a big,  issue,  with governments around the world.  How to stop it.  How to help,  be open, to those who seem lonely, distant in society. So now,  World Governments have created,  a new Mental  Health Issue. Coerced vaccines,  where you could lose your job,  if you refuse vaccinations.  Crazy.  Well,  it will have an effect on a person,  who works in Health Care,  or any other workplace,  who refuses to take the jab, but will lose their livelihood. This is not what society,  is exposed to be about.  We are exposed to be inclusive,  not divisive,  we are not exposed to make life difficult for people.  Their lives are difficult enough,  raising kids, paying taxes,  making ends meet.  I take great caring and thought for the working class.  They are the backbone of so...

Odd thing now, even the Vaccinated are denied entry into some countries.

 Recently heard about Portugal and Sweden, not allowing entry to Israelis,  even vaccinated people. Even vaccinated people!!!! Wow.  It kind of makes the vaxx passport,  entirely obsolete. Obsolete indeed. Strange. Why. Probably because,  many say, vaccines do not kill the Covid. You can still catch it. So, mutations could be created in a vaccine carrying person.  That is what many say on the other side of the equation. Are they right. 100s of variants,  perhaps,  due to a vaxx that does not kill, only lessons, effects of catching covid. Strange. Here is the link to the news article below. Even the USA could be on the list,  who knows,  even other high vaxxed nations could be on the list later on as well.

Law abiding citizens, now cannot travel, enjoy most of recreational freedoms, if the vaccination not taken?

 So. Here we are.  A law abiding citizen, refuses to take the shot,  for religious reasons, medical, or just freedom of choice. Maybe the vaccines have not been tested long enough. Maybe one of their relatives have had a side effect.  But, it is your body,  right?  So, what is up with this coercion with vaccines? I cannot say,  the vaccines do not work.  I believe they do,  but I have also seen the adverse affects, deaths, on other media outlets. Not the mainstream. Can I say they are safe to take?  That is up to you to decide. You should have the right,  to decide. You are a law abiding citizen. Aren't we all. Do we not coerce our neighbors to drink,  smoke, or eat donuts all day?  Do we coerce our neighbors to go anywhere, or do anything, and do we think that is right? We are law abiding citizens. We believe in the charter of rights. What is going on here. Vladimir Putin of Russia, is more of a democrat lately,  tha...

U.S. Military, Canada Military, others should not Vaccinate their troops due to possible heart problems, because they train really hard!

 Eric Clapton,  his new Anti Vaxx song.  Cannot be ignored anymore.  There are side effects,  deaths,  with these new vaccines, as per doctors who are on the other side of the vaccine debate.  If I was a commander in chief of a Nation,  I would not vaccinate my troops,  who train hard, exercise hard,  with any hint of it causing Myocarditis, or other side effects, even if it was 1 in 30 000.  I think that number could be 1 in 3000 actually,  and with the other side effects, neurological,  possible auto immune disease,  I would never, ever,  touch my soldiers health if they had to go into battle with an unproven vaccine that has to go through at least, 7 year trial.  That is my opinion. Vaccination cards,  how undemocratic is that.  A vaxxed person is protected ( so they say), and I believe it probably does help for a short duration ( 6 months or so),  before you need a booster.  If you ne...

Are we becoming more Communist with the Vaccines and Vaccine Passport vs the Anti Vaxxers?

 Lately,  we have been seeing it in the news. 99 % of the people admitted in the Hospital in the US,  are those who are unvaccinated. Whether you believe that or not,  we do know for certain,  that it does appear vaccinations do help.  We see the curves of the coronavirus,  go down after vaccination.  Not too many people can argue with that. On online media, we see on other sites,  they ask if the vaccine is safe?  If it was proven safe beyond any doubt,  you would have 95 % of the people getting vaxxed. The doubters are the problem.  Why do they doubt,  know I doubt somewhat.  There are always 5 to 10 % of people who cannot get vaccinated anyways,  due to health problems. On the other hand,  we hear of reports on the street,  and on certain media ( certainly hardly any mainstream),  but myocarditis in 1 out of 18000 who have taken the jab,  some neurological problems, and autoimmune, bells pa...

A book contest is taunting me to enter, but so it is with 10s of thousands of people!

 This book contest e mails me,  constantly,  to enter my book into a contest.  There are big prizes. Free publishing, a chance for a TV film, chance to win money,  or get into a magazine. Lots of prizes,  but humor does not do well in these contests. I won a 2017 Apple Literary award for the best humor book,  in its own category,  humor.  The prizes there were not big,  just a few copies of the award sent to me,  and maybe a little publicity. I was not the # 1 winner in the total category. That was the big miss,  but I did very well. Then,  in another I won,  an honorable mention.  My book was put on the front of their website,  as well as many others who got honorable mention,  for a month or so.  It did not increase sales,  it did nothing. Although I got a fantastic review on their website,  that really was probably the best review I had ever got. So in this contest,  I may have fi...

Took a long time for Kenny Rogers to make it too!

 Kenny Rogers,  one of the greatest singers of all time, we all remember "Day time Friends and Night Time Lovers", great lyrics,  great beat, a radio favorite,  we just hope it never happens to all of us :) Well,  it took Kenny a long time to make it to the top also. We remember him with the First Edition,  on how really he had the coolest voice,  the coolest look,  but had to transform himself over into country to make a go of it.  And what a go he made of it,  producing hit after hit and then going on to win Grammy Award after Grammy Award! If you read his book at one time,  he was in a bad state of affairs with money, and finally he crossed into country and did excellent. I have heard people,  tell me,  you got to get more edgy with your books. Get more racy. Put lots of humor in there that is R rated.  Well, that was what I was trying to avoid in the first place.  Trying to get see,  trying to feel,...

Stuck in the Mud, cannot engage the 4 X 4 to get out.

 We all get stuck in the mud,  sometimes in our lifetimes.  Sometimes we get out by ourselves. Sometimes we get help from a not so surprising source,  sometimes a surprising hand. With Part 5,  I am stuck in the mud. Did not help that the mud level rose with the dissolution of my past publisher. Parts 1 through 3 are not available,  I should that on my site.  I believe only second hand books are now available on several sites throughout the world,  at perhaps high pricing.  But,  really,  what kind of sales I had in the past,  to warrant any kind of resolution to that problem.  I will start by changing the title to,  books 1 to 3 currently in a state of limbo, and not available in paperback or E book versions.  No doubt,  I have heard tell of thousands of people that got my book (s) ( maybe tens of thousands) off of pirated sites,  and had great reviews there.  That is something that is out there,...

The Supermarket Guy 5, or 0, was revised again. Will spellcheck, will see if I can get the Mola to produce.

 The Supermarket Guy 5, or 0,  was refined,  revised,  made stronger in the last 3 weeks of time.  I done it back in the fall of 2019,  but because of lack of financial kick to produce it,  with the loss of a platform carrier for 3 of the first books,  it gave me more time to make the book stronger. It reminded me of things maybe left out and about with the 3 first books,  perhaps they also could be expanded now and made more stronger,  thicker in volumes.  But, that is for another time.  There is no extra money in the tank to produce part 5 right now.  I could throw it into some contests,  and will be looking at some contests to see if I can win another humor contest.  Sometimes there are financial awards there, and perhaps, it could help me to produce this volume.  Thing is, some contests want a published book,  or a book in print,  but some only require a manuscript. Some want it to be a short s...

Part 0, Zero to Hero to Zero is Magnificently crafted for the giggle lover in you!

 Just briefly going over the past dream of writing Part 5,  or Part 0. The writing,  exquisite. The humor, mind tangling and without any cessation! I was just reading paperback copy today,  of Part 0.  I could not believe,  how well it came together,  and perhaps could be better than Part 4 by a few miles. It brought together a certain magic. Some of the past novels interwoven,  into a near 300 page paperback book. I realized, that if I had the financial backing,  this thing could get to the publishing house rather quickly!  But,  my finances as of late are not that super. I may have to wait,  for money to come in ,  hopefully in the near future,  to produce this legend. So as in the past,  I wrote on how I lost significantly along my self publishing journey. 3 paperback novels, extremely highly rated on sites, it seemed to go well but not quite well enough. No sales. Publisher is now gone. So now those 3 books, ...