A book contest is taunting me to enter, but so it is with 10s of thousands of people!

 This book contest e mails me,  constantly,  to enter my book into a contest.  There are big prizes. Free publishing, a chance for a TV film, chance to win money,  or get into a magazine. Lots of prizes,  but humor does not do well in these contests.

I won a 2017 Apple Literary award for the best humor book,  in its own category,  humor.  The prizes there were not big,  just a few copies of the award sent to me,  and maybe a little publicity. I was not the # 1 winner in the total category. That was the big miss,  but I did very well.

Then,  in another I won,  an honorable mention.  My book was put on the front of their website,  as well as many others who got honorable mention,  for a month or so.  It did not increase sales,  it did nothing. Although I got a fantastic review on their website,  that really was probably the best review I had ever got. So in this contest,  I may have finished quite a few books down from # 1 in the humor slot.

This one asks for unpublished books as well.  Part 5 does fit right in there with that.  Not sure if I would like to do that. I am still thinking about it,  but it is hard,  after I had finished so down the bar on the same contest,  to do this all over again and yet again,  finish probably low on the totem pole again!

At any rate,  nothing has got any better on my side of the book writing here. I have not done super good to actually get the money rolling to just print another Part 5 of the series. It will have to wait.  It is sitting away on a memory stick,  here at the house,  double and triple copied in case it goes magnetic foo bar.

I want to wish you all a good week,  as I still have four tires stuck in the mud...

Till next time.


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