Working Mans problem with just trying to live yet being bothered by Big Government and Mandates

No doubt, thankful for being a Working Man. Merle Haggard sang about that one. One of my favorite songs. So, we, the working man, have a hard time these days to deal with things. We have to pay taxes. Taxes go up. Cost of living goes up. Raises are not what they were. We got a few zero increases in wages there. Yes. We got a Carbon tax. We got Climate Problems, problems that the Working man tries to help with, by recycling, saving energy, but we got busy lives. Family to take care of. Is the carbon tax causing higher prices on food, clothing, and other items?  Will the working man ever have it good again?

Oh, and then Came,  COVID.  GREAT?  TERRIBLE!

So then Covid came along. At first,  I heard it was from a bat, or a wet market. Bat soup? When is that country going to give good food to their people? Then later on, they made fun of some leader in the USA, who said it was from a Lab. Well, it probably was from a Lab, now a year gone bye. No, we cannot Prove it. Perceptions and whispers tell us it could be much worse than that. Linked from Partners, Funded by USA right to Wuhan? Is this true, I cannot prove, but others threw it out there on the whispers. I am not the originator of the whispers, that is for sure. But it appears so, as they said, they tested 80 000 animals in a wet market. No Covid found in that area. Wow. So media got it wrong, at first. The Main Media? What kind of mentality would release a virus to kill millions of people? It is called shooting yourself in the foot. The Economy Suffers, your Country cannot produce the goods it once did,  you create HUGE uncertainty, the People Suffers, and you could go down in history being the biggest idiots in the history of the World ever if your plan does not pan out. Why would any Country, that creates so many things, let their market bludgeon?  Why would big companies, attack other companies that make money. Does not make any sense, at all. Obviously, this could create great rifts for many decades, maybe centuries, to come between having trust of science, technology, and politicians.

So, Being a Working Man, a Little speck of dust on the map of affairs,  we, the Working People, had to put up with allot!  9 11. So our freedoms were taken away there. We used to just have a drivers license to get across into the USA. Now, passports are required. Now, it is 20 questions and a radiation scan to get on a plane. We can talk about that, conspiracy, or not. 2008 or 09 stock market crash. Bailouts of big companies, federal billions of dollars, that probably never came back. Great.  The Working Man sarcastically says, Great!

Now,  Covid.  Shots. 2 shots,  I heard, was going to bring the case load down. At first, I was skeptical with everyone. Even the Democrats, said, when Trump was in power at the end, it is an experimental vaxx. We have to be careful.  The US President Biden, said no to forced Mandates at first! Relief. No. How can someone go against the words they said, a year beforehand? So I took that to heart, actually, from the Democrats in the fall. We see people flocking to get their shots. They are tired of Covid, and I could not blame them. They are told, by the new governments, that they are safe. Not the peoples fault at all, they took 2 shots to make the world a better place. Myself, because I am a news junkie, I seen a few clips questioning the vaccine safety and efficacity. So I waited. I said I will be the last to take this thing. Coaxing from family, caused me to get my first shot a few months back. Then I started hearing more, and more bad things,  from Scientists and Doctors from the other side. These people are professionals, with decades and decades of experience in vaccines, ect ect, each in their respective fields. Some had worked for vaccine companies in the past. So, when you hear, another side to a story that could affect you in the future,  I listen and I listen good. I take in the information from, the other side as well. That is what democracy is all about, right?  So, I wondered. Why am I getting this information from small Media Sources. Why isn't the Big Media, scolding, the other side of the story. Calling these doctors quacks, anti vaxxers,  and calling the unvaccinated the cause of the pandemic. So you can see where the Working Man, or People, are caught between two stories. I can understand, why the working man, would trust the vaccines. The Big Media says it is better than candy. 

So here we are. Today. Ireland, the 93 % vaxxed nation,  UK, highly vaxxed, and other highly vaxxed nations, Gibralter nearly 100 % vaxxed,  with high Covid Cases again,  after the 2nd shot. That does not make any sense to me at all, as a Working Man. As a Working man,  yes, I do think the Vaxx actually helps minimize the Covid if you catch it. But, if it wears off in a few months, it makes absolutely no sense to me for a certain % of the population to take it at all...  Then, you hear the Doctors from the other side, saying you could become AutoImmune Dependant. Your Natural Immune system is built to take on anything,  but, if our Immune System is designed to continue to produce only one sort of protection, then we are in real trouble. Then, I seen all of the vaccine injuries, and deaths throughout the world as reported by the so called quack doctors. VAERS Data, Yellow Data From England, says their are definitely serious injury and death.  More so than any other vaccine in the world!!! So we then question the Benefit to Harm Ratio.

So, then I called relatives, friends. Approximately a circle of a few hundred people. I called, to see if anyone had suffered side effects. I could not find any yet, thank God, only a few swollen arms, or sickness after the vaxx. So I said. Maybe the other side is wrong?  Maybe, we were lucky? Maybe the problems are 1 in 300, or a thousand, so Maybe I missed a death or side effect somewhere? But, if it is true, that there are 18000 deaths approx., 800000 side effects in Vaers approx. in 8 or 9 months, then that is really concerning. I agree if that is true,  the program should have been shut down as a leading cardiologist had said months before. But, I ask myself in my mind, is this really true? It all seems like a bad dream. 

Then Vaccine Mandates came at work. I had to take the 2nd shot ( I did not want to, and I am furious forever in my mind that I was forced to take it),  because I could not afford to have no income coming in to support my family. I could not believe, Canada, a Free and Democratic society ( so I thought), forced me to take, inject, an emergency vaccine into my body. Even those with Religious, even Medical problems, were coerced to take the vaccine in many provinces. Unreal. Democracy?  The Liberals was once the most Democratic, free loving party in Canada. Not now in my mind. Where others said, the vaccine was not rigorously tested enough to know if it was good or not.  If the Benefits outweigh the risks, and the doctors they call quack on the other side,  say,  110 %, that they do not outweigh the benefit. Now, the other side, says you will be fine, and, the Main Media, says it will protect you vs Covid. I have to be fair to the other side, right?  So, I took the vaccine, thanked God above that nothing bad had happened to me thus far. But it is quite difficult to tie future problems to a vaccine. Very hard. There is no leash to connect to the dog out in the yard, to say that leash goes to that dog. Rather, the leashes are left on the side so it is hard to connect them to the right dog at the kennel. So I understand the plight of  Robert Kennedy Jr, who has tried to bring about transparency to the debate,  how difficult it is to win without a hard physical link to one thing or the other. But, from autism, to other health problems that have grown in the past 50 years, I have to say he several very strong convincing points. 

So, the working man is against the ropes again. We just want to be left alone and provide taxes for our country, do our duty, live free, and income for our family. We want to live peacefully. We do not have, allot of time, to investigate many of the problems associated with Covid. We have little time to discern the good and the bad effects of the Vaccine (s), whether this one is bad or that one is good? We rely on our media, friends, and family to say what we should do at times...  But, no doubt, if the Big  Media and Governments are wrong... Then, we are all in big trouble. If so, then will the Big Media lose trust? Big Pharma Lose trust? Big Business lose trust?  Quite a Brazen and Bold Gamble, would you not say?

But just how can the Working People fix it?  It is a good discussion to have. We need, never to censor, but always to take in different points of views. Censoring makes, causes, only the issues to look even more sinister at face value. Pre Treatment of Covid, I agree. Ivermectin In India, Uttar Pradesh? Japan? Some places throughout the World Used it. Some USA stars have used it, when they caught Covid. Seems like a success story,  but Big Media Again says, no no they are crazy! It is a horse drug. Yet, I was told, 4 billion people took Ivermectin with very little side effects in developing countries. Other Drugs, hydroxychloroquine, Vitamin C, D, Zinc, Good. Why was it not being done? "You catch Covid, Go home" some said?  Ridiculous! Set limits on the terms of Medical Top Guns, Like Dr Fauci. No More Empire Building. The man is 80 years old, for Petes Sake. Go Retire! Go Fishing!

In Conclusion, I am thankful for the two sides of the story. I will be even more thankful, when one of the sides proves out a winner. And I already believe, there is a clear winner emerging...  Thankful now, for the heroes of this debate, The ones who refused to be erased. A big thank you for bringing in thoughtful debate.  If we lose debate, put on the blinders,  then we lose civilization and togetherness as we know it.  

Till next time.



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