The Covid vaccines prevent, do not kill, Covid. So, is it time to try something else?

 Covid Vaccines. 2 shots.  Booster shots,  until when?  Many in mainstream media,  say,  it is a bioweapon, released from a lab. I tend to believe that for now. This Covid,  there are many methods to keep it at bay. There are many people,  who have contracted covid,  after vaccinations. This does not make any sense. I understand,  that they say,  it lessens the severity,  but, the effectiveness of the vaccine wears of to near nothing in the end.

So.  Why did the US government,  use Remdesivir,  to treat Covid patients on Ventilators?  Why,  did they do that,  I thought that was a toxic drug.

Yet,  they will not give,  Ivermectin,  a drug that was used for 6 decades, a Japanese wonder drug, a parasite killer ( give as per a Doctors recommendations,  human pill,  not the horse dose!),  at the beginning when the Covid is found in a person. 

Joe Rogan,  Kristie Alley ( and her dad at 97),  took ivermectin,  and came out fine afterwards. 

So,  what is the problem.  What is the problem,  with Dr. Zelenkos,  Hydroxycholoroquine, treatment, with his other prescribed zinc and other remedies. 

All those other remedies,  when a patient is diagnosed early,  it appears a 90 % or better rate of survival is attained.

What in the bloody hell,  are we doing with vaccines,  that do not kill the virus.  

Sorry it is time for alternatives.  Israel,  better think twice of vaccinating their people every 6 months.  The Palestinians who live not far from Israel,  have only vaxxed 10 % of their population,  and they are way more healthier than their Neighbors.  Wow.  

For the Israeli People.  I question,  your bloodline of David,  your Wisdom of Solomon?  How wise are you, when your hospitals are now filled with Vaccinated people.

Till next time.  World has to wake up.


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