Canada has voted for much of the same. Will minority governments be a mainstay in Canada?

Last time I looked this morning, I seen the Liberals and Justin Trudeau at 158 seats, minority status. He came into the election with 155,  might I add. He led a campaign of spend. Spent approximately, 61 million to the Media. Giving money to the media,  is that legal, just before an election. I could see the main networks, near the end were indeed feeling much giddy about the young Trudeau again. Was going to give more to seniors,  more for daycare, more help all the way around. The spending machine was cranking up.  No balanced budget in sight.

Now,  with 500 billion or more he spent in 6 years over budget ( it must be 600 by now?),  he is in prime position to spend with his friend, Jagmeet Singh, the NDP leader of Canada.

No doubt,  O Toole, The Conservative leader,  had to put out his own tabled spending,  no balanced budgets until maybe 10 years time. So he too,  had to put on the spending blinders, the horse had to run that way,  in order just to squeak out a Minority vs the Liberals, no doubt. He said he was not for firm vaccine mandates,  but did not come out entirely against them. No Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, to save lives for people in the ICUs either!

So, sadly enough for those who were against,  mandating vaccines for federal workers, mandating vaccines and passports in Canada, a tyrannical system in my eyes,  we have lost today.

Maxime Bernier was,  firmly against this. But, he had no media. He was labelled as a racist by most of the mainstream media. And, he took a 6 % approx vote tally away from his middle right competitor, if you can call it that way,  the Progressive Conservatives.

It was quite the worry.  No doubt, a majority Liberal Goverment,  this Justin character did not deserve.  Involved in ethics investigations,  many,  over the last 6 years,  you have to begin to wonder. Will anything stick to this man?  

I remember when he walked out of the Governor Generals House,  and took questions from many reporters. 

They did ask him,  3 times "Will you resign,  if you do not get a majority?" Something like that. He brushed the question off, three times, as if a Leader would answer that question during an election, is obviously not a good idea. When you launch an election,  there is only one slot to be in and that is,  1 st place.

So,  Mr. Trudeau,  you took us to an election that cost approximately 600 million. You did not get any further, than where you are now. Is he willing to take the responsibility,  and walk away,  give the reigns to a more competent minister or Liberal leader?

Perhaps sad for Canada to see the peoples taxes squandered for another 2 years by the combined forces of the Liberals and NDP. But, the Liberals will have to wake up. The interest on the debt will come a haunting them.  Bond rating agencies are coming.  Interest rates may go up.  I hope,  they do not,  overspend in the next few years,  but,  how do you control the kids when they are let free in the candy store.

Will the Liberals end the vaccine mandates,  give us freedom and liberty again?  Will you allow Ivermectin,  hydroxychloroquine,  to save peoples in the ICUs across this land?  

May God have Mercy.


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