Law abiding citizens, now cannot travel, enjoy most of recreational freedoms, if the vaccination not taken?

 So. Here we are.  A law abiding citizen, refuses to take the shot,  for religious reasons, medical, or just freedom of choice. Maybe the vaccines have not been tested long enough. Maybe one of their relatives have had a side effect.  But, it is your body,  right?  So, what is up with this coercion with vaccines?

I cannot say,  the vaccines do not work.  I believe they do,  but I have also seen the adverse affects, deaths, on other media outlets. Not the mainstream. Can I say they are safe to take?  That is up to you to decide. You should have the right,  to decide.

You are a law abiding citizen. Aren't we all. Do we not coerce our neighbors to drink,  smoke, or eat donuts all day?  Do we coerce our neighbors to go anywhere, or do anything, and do we think that is right?

We are law abiding citizens. We believe in the charter of rights. What is going on here. Vladimir Putin of Russia, is more of a democrat lately,  than nearly all of the World Free Leaders. Leaders of the Free World?  What the heck is going on?  Do we all need to move to Russia,  to be free now?  To allow Free Movement,  Free choice in our bodies,  and what not.

And where is the problem. Most of the population is vaccinated, at high rates. Over 70 to 80, to 90 % in most countries.  Israel, Iceland,  has nearly all the population vaxxed,  and they are the ones where the vaccine effects of protection are wearing off to next to nothing,  so you will need a booster. Another Booster. Another Booster?  Are people turning crazy?  This does not make sense,   when other drugs,  are proven with early treatment,  to lessen the effects as well.

There is no reason for Vaccine Passports.  They are a communist idea,  not for free, loving, liberty believers like ourselves.  We need to say no to this, we are not criminals for having a choice in life,  take down the veil of darkness that exists across this world today due to vaxx passes.


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