Thoughts on dividing the population into Vaccinated and Unvaccinated.

 Once again, we see Covid rates go up in many heavily vaccinated countries.  Oddly enough,  this absolutely, should not, be happening when you get over 70 % of your population vaccinated. Now, we see 90 % or more vaccinated in many countries of the world.  

So, how can I call many of these so called vaccines,  vaccines. They are not, in my opinion, vaccines. They only work for a short duration of time. If it only works for a few months,  and then you have to get revaccinated, it makes absolutely no sense to do so. There has to be another way,  and Pre Treatment, allowing doctors to try different things from all around the world,  has to be the way. Here is a link to near 17 000 doctors and medical professionals who want to be the frontline in care again,  not to be told by a health czar in government in how to treat Covid.

I was a strong proponent of the masking when this first started,  but in no way,  did I want to force that on anyone. I thought it should have always been, a free choice. I think now,  I was wrong about the masks. It is because of the length of time, that we battled the Covid strain,  and now I see plainly that it is here and it is going to be around forever. We will Eventually Catch it. I am thinking, there is absolutely more damage to be done now in wearing masks- bacteria in the masks, breathing in possibly more contaminents from wherever the mask was built, and just the cold feeling about it all for mental health.  

The other thing,  is I thought we were exposed to catch colds, now and then. It is the normal cycle of life. I am due to catch a cold. Even if it is Covid. Our immune systems,  want to function, and I think it has to grow and keep keen. It has to train itself, we need germs, not germaphobia,  in order to live. Am I right on this fact.  This was told to us, long ago,  when I was younger.  I still believe it to be the case today.

Just the argument of separating,  dividing,  people and putting one population again vs the other is not very Christian. It just bleeds objectivity. It is totally wrong. Jesus would not care if you are double shot or one shot, or no shot vaccinated to enjoy life,  and to visit him if he was still around. To take all the leisure, the sports, the fun away from unvaccinated people is downright wrong. We are working out of a system of fear. Before vaccinations,  we had very little Covid in many countries. If a person distances themselves 2 meters away,  you are doing very good. A person who is vaccinated, can carry Covid, and not know it probably more so than an unvaccinated person. If you are vaccinated,  you need not worry about your protection, then, right...  The unvaccinated, if they have no health issues to start with,  they will beat the virus with no problems. I knew already of 7 people in my village, 4 were in their 50 s before the vaccinations and all survived very well. The other 3, who were vaccinated,  seemed to do just as well. 

It is about time we stopped dividing people, shaming people, ostracizing people,  for a right they should truly have. How dare any government,  coerce a vaccine on anyone. It is their Body. And, a vaccine that is Emergency Use ( Pfizer got permission to use the Cormrinaty vaccine, but we do not even know if it is the same vaccine as is used under the EUA),  that we still do not have had enough time to see the future side effects,  yet,  the governments still trying to play dirty tricks and take peoples jobs, their bread and butter off of the table...  Terrible...  This should never happen again... We need to get back to common sense, rational thinking, and put back "collective" ideas and thinking back on the board.


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