You there, in the crowd. You there, who have no bias. You there, who shout for freedom. God bless you! You are my Hero!

 Yes. The ones in the crowd. In Paris. The ones in the crowd. In England.  The ones who are in the crowd,  in Australia. The USA. In Canada. All over the World!  God Bless You.

When in a time as Ronald Reagan said,  in the video link below ( Posted by Denis c),  in a time where there are no Heroes,  they Just Did Not Know Where To Look. I know the Video is American, but, take the American word out,  Put in your Country, it makes no matter what Nation is put in that speech,  if you believe in Liberty and Freedom, Democracy, Rights of the Person, "Republic", then, that speech can mean the same for you also. We all want the same. Good rule. Freedom. Peace for all. TRUTH. No matter what country you live in,  we want the same outcome.

I look on the streets and cities of this great Planet.  I look to you,  who holds the heart of Liberty High, Who Protests with Valor, Courage,  but yet to do not Harm to their Fellow Opponent. We Must Protest with A Peaceful Heart,  we cannot allow our adversaries to say, they are Violent. God Bless you all.

You are Heroes in the eyes of God.

Because,  you want the Truth.  The truth about Ivermectin,  The truth about,  Hydroxychoroquine. You want the truth,  about the vaccinated who have suffered adverse effects.  You want the Truth,  about the ones who died.  Those who were given,  Remdesiver,  in the hospitals?  Yet, Not Given, Ivermectin, the other drugs to save their lives.

You people,  are My HEROES.  God bless you. Vaccine passports,  Mandates, to Hell with them. Send it to Hell, we are a Free People!

Here is the Link.  God bless you all!  Warriors of Freedom. You are an Inspiration, but please, Protest Peacefully.  Thank you!


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