Mental Health and Coerced vaccines.

 These coerced vaccines will cause a heavy toll on Mental Illness.  Mental Illness was once a big,  issue,  with governments around the world.  How to stop it.  How to help,  be open, to those who seem lonely, distant in society.

So now,  World Governments have created,  a new Mental  Health Issue. Coerced vaccines,  where you could lose your job,  if you refuse vaccinations.  Crazy.  Well,  it will have an effect on a person,  who works in Health Care,  or any other workplace,  who refuses to take the jab, but will lose their livelihood. This is not what society,  is exposed to be about.  We are exposed to be inclusive,  not divisive,  we are not exposed to make life difficult for people.  Their lives are difficult enough,  raising kids, paying taxes,  making ends meet. 

I take great caring and thought for the working class.  They are the backbone of society.  They make things function smoothly. They pay most of the taxes,  they donate, they give hours of work to their local charities if they can at times,  they pay pensions to make them work for the elderly,  they are proud of their work.

Yet,  work for Health care workers,  other government workers,  has gotten to be harder over the last few decades.  Cuts, wages, a diversion of duties to other workers,  caused much stress. Now,  we have the Covid Passport,  causing much mental stress, There are many workers,  who will get tested,  which is entirely wrong, to keep their jobs.  There are many workers,  who will just quit, after working decades in their fields.  Totally wrong.

Mental health is an issue here.  Why do world Governments,  push it aside, coerce,  which is totally wrong, individuals who are free loving, hard working,  to take the vaccine. It is up to them,  totally, if they wish to take it or not. 

What kind of government would want to create,  Mental Illness,  Mental Stress, in their workforce,  in their population over a divisive issue like,  Vaccine Passports,  or just to get vaxxed to keep their job?

We no longer have,  effective, free thinking,  liberal loving, governments in power.  Their caring is absent in the world we live in today. 

Sad.  Mental health,  is an issue,  and we must ban the coerced vaxxs,  the coerced vax passes,  and live and be free again!


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