Part 0, Zero to Hero to Zero is Magnificently crafted for the giggle lover in you!

 Just briefly going over the past dream of writing Part 5,  or Part 0. The writing,  exquisite. The humor, mind tangling and without any cessation! I was just reading paperback copy today,  of Part 0.  I could not believe,  how well it came together,  and perhaps could be better than Part 4 by a few miles.

It brought together a certain magic. Some of the past novels interwoven,  into a near 300 page paperback book. I realized, that if I had the financial backing,  this thing could get to the publishing house rather quickly!  But,  my finances as of late are not that super. I may have to wait,  for money to come in ,  hopefully in the near future,  to produce this legend.

So as in the past,  I wrote on how I lost significantly along my self publishing journey. 3 paperback novels, extremely highly rated on sites, it seemed to go well but not quite well enough. No sales. Publisher is now gone. So now those 3 books, are in limbo. I have all of the copies here in digital and hard, but should I revise them all and make them all heavier. More humor. Add more links to the other books. Interesting. If the time would be on my side,  they all could be rewritten and fortified, made even bigger and better with different versions.  But, it takes money to make funny.

Why is humor so hard to sell?  Is there that much of it out there?  It appears possible.  Well, in nearly reading the full Part 0 again, it is hard to resist not publishing such a fine Picasso of humor. Time always gives us the answer. It always reveals all things in the end.  Maybe,  Part 0.

Till next time.


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