Are we becoming more Communist with the Vaccines and Vaccine Passport vs the Anti Vaxxers?

 Lately,  we have been seeing it in the news. 99 % of the people admitted in the Hospital in the US,  are those who are unvaccinated. Whether you believe that or not,  we do know for certain,  that it does appear vaccinations do help.  We see the curves of the coronavirus,  go down after vaccination.  Not too many people can argue with that. On online media, we see on other sites,  they ask if the vaccine is safe?  If it was proven safe beyond any doubt,  you would have 95 % of the people getting vaxxed. The doubters are the problem.  Why do they doubt,  know I doubt somewhat.  There are always 5 to 10 % of people who cannot get vaccinated anyways,  due to health problems.

On the other hand,  we hear of reports on the street,  and on certain media ( certainly hardly any mainstream),  but myocarditis in 1 out of 18000 who have taken the jab,  some neurological problems, and autoimmune, bells palsy,  that maybe put the effects of taking the jab at 1 in a few hundred ( I cannot run through studies to verify this)?  We know the VAERS reporting systems in the USA, Canada,  sometime miss reporting on these issues.  Have you heard of anyone,  having problems in respect to getting the jab.  I have heard of a few. Then,  you sign a consent form,  and for those who had problems after going through the second jab ( ok, there are few but there are there),  they have no money to fix or help with their problems.

So you have mainstream media,  censoring, many doctors,  with decades of research in the field of virology, that said the trails were not long enough for this new vaccine,  be pushed aside as quacks or idiots.  You will have a hard time,  to find on mainstream media,  any negative effects of this drug.  I have been on many alternative sites,  and the information is pretty overwhelming. It does make you open your eyes, and say,  wow. They talk about the shot not staying in the arm.  That it travels,  the nanoparticles,  to your heart,  brain,  ovaries, ect ect.  It should remain in the arm.  But, many doctors, some with 30 or 40 years experience,  an ex VP of a huge Pharma company,  also said,  we do not know what the results will be a year or several years down the road.  In Spain,  on one site,  they said they found graphine at 90 ish percent in some of the vails of a certain product. Now,  that is what they reported,  and it was discredited by mainstream media,  but nowhere did I see in that Mainstream article where they took a vail, and divided it into 6 shots like they did,  and test for the chemical make up of it. I seen the pictures in India,  where the metal was sticking to some patients.  Graphene is magnetic,  and your body is magnetic,  and was said to affect the magnetic field of your body.  So,  who do you believe, with a huge amount of information on one said,  and the other defending it not to be so?

Now somewhere, out of somehow,  vaccine passports have come to the ideas of many governments.  How will they put that through?  Another level of administration, probably will cost the taxpayer 100s of millions of dollars,  and longer waits in some cases at Airports,  or at any travel,  or venues when " oh gosh my phone does not work to get that Passport App up,  oh I forgot my Vaccine Papers at the house,  Marge!"  A vaccine passport,  I am surprised the travel industry is for that.  With all the other things,  you have to get ready,  in anticipation for a trip overseas,  now,  a vaccine passport.  We can only hope it is a temporary thing,  and it will go away.  But, it may never.  Then,  you had Mr. Bauer of Pfizer,  saying booster shots are required the other day,  a Vaccine Developer for Pfizer.  So,  if you get the booster shot,  you will be updating this system every few months?  Every year?  Still,  a legislative nightmare,  for systems,  and Goverment.  Already,  in France,  protests of 100 000 people were in the streets,  protesting this,  and I believe it is not going to be over for a long time.  If a politician wants to take a chance on his political future,  put in a Vaccine passport and we will see how well he or she will do in the next election.  Honestly,  if 70 % of the population is vaccinated ( 80  % is the number in England and the Vaccinated are now catching and dying from the Delta Variant),  you are doing good, and the risk is not all about the Unvaccinated.  Maybe the Unvaccinated will be more cautious,  maybe they will social distance,  maybe,  but to push or force people into vaccination is something I thought I would only see in a Communist country.  OH,  you may not be able to go anywhere,  some people said in chat off of the street. Wow.  Are we going back to a two tier society,  like in Nazi Germany?  Maybe the unvaccinated should only be forced to pay higher insurance,  medical,  by a few hundred dollars to go overseas.  Maybe that is all it takes. Continue to wear a mask on the plane,  fine enough.  Or even wear the mask if they go out and about.  It is really there choice if they want to get the jab or not. There are even vaccinated people,  a good % who will stand with the Unvaxxed to say,  hey,  I want them to eat at a restaurant with us!  No segregation here! Still, you will have 5 to 10 % of people with medical conditions,  who can never get vaccinated. Poor people have no access to a cell phone, and have no place to put their paper.  That is the reality of it all.  So why bother with Vaccine Passports???

Anyways,  the government will do what it wants to do.  We can only vote them out,  if we disagree later on with their policies.  I know the French Government will be changed,  next year,  unless a miracle happens for the President.  I am not so sure.

For now,  I cannot argue with Vaccination.  I think it is good up to this point,  only because,  mainstream media says it is. Yet,  you go on the other Media outlets,  and their message is very convincing,  because they have many, many doctors with 30, 40 or so years in experience,  saying what the possible problems could be.  But,  the doctors that are for the Vaccination outnumber them by hundreds or thousands. And the VAERS reporting system,  how accurate it is?  How accurate is all the reporting systems in the world?  But,  I believe it is up to the individual. It is up to the person,  to take the risk either way,  and, for people not to shame, other people for doing what they want to do.  To shame and ostracize people,  into doing something,  we have to ask if we have learned nothing from history. 

Till next time.


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