Draconian measures never work in the end. Someday, the Truth will be Triumphant!

 Here in New Brunswick,  we are now seeing mandatory testing for Goverment workers to take effect soon if not vaccinated. We will not be able to go into restaurants,  theatres,  or many crowded areas,  without a vaccine passport.

As an Acadian,  we remember the deportation of 1755 every year. Where, the English wanted us to bow to the Queen,  and deported many of our brothers and sisters. Took away our homes.  Took away their blood, sweat, tears, and incredible work of clearing the fields, planting their winter storage, only to be wrongfully taken away by the English. 

This day,  I have nothing against the English.  This happened, a long, long time ago and there were different people back then, and different and cruel thinking back then as well. I thought we evolved into a more, acceptable, peaceful species.  I guess not.

When they try,  to coerce you into taking a vaccine, that has even side effects labeled right on it, as myocarditis as one of them. When all the VAERS, safety reporting data, on the vaccine, shows the side effects to be nearly as high as the deaths from Covid.  And, to push a vaccine,  that does not Work. It may prevent side effects for 6 to 8 months, but as shown in Israel, the UK, and other high vaxxed areas,  the effects wear off in due time,  more so with the elderly. 

I seen the videos of a few footballers falling in the field. Wow. When do you remember, 10 s of them just falling down on the field,  or being helped off of the field. I can maybe think of one. Two?

I seen the videos of neurological disorders, in people who took the vaccine. Who is going to pay for these people?  Why do we have to sign,  a consent form,  to take this vaccine?

So, it appears society has gone,  backwards. They even brought up,  charging the Unvaxxed for medical services if they get covid. Well,  we could think of charging smokers,  overweight people,  for their faults also. Alcoholics?  Drug takers?  Quite the society we are inheriting.  And where is the Media in all this.  They only report the good,  side effects,  the bad news on not taking the vaccine. Where is the fairness in all of that.

No doubt,  if the vaccine was proven safe and effective,  which it has not (Dr Peter McCullough from one of his videos,  said he would have hauled the vaccine off of the market, a long, long time ago) then I would have taken the 2nd shot.  I did take the 1st,  but I did not know until later,  the news, that was revealed to me by others.

In the end,  we must never forget this.  We must correct this. We must look for a solution, so this may never, ever happen again

I should be talking about my books right now.  I should be making part 5. Yet,  this insanity has brought everything to a standstill yet again. Who can focus,  the mental stress, of these crazy governments,  going on like dictatorships.  

May God have mercy on them all. 


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