The Supermarket Guy 5, or 0, was revised again. Will spellcheck, will see if I can get the Mola to produce.

 The Supermarket Guy 5, or 0,  was refined,  revised,  made stronger in the last 3 weeks of time.  I done it back in the fall of 2019,  but because of lack of financial kick to produce it,  with the loss of a platform carrier for 3 of the first books,  it gave me more time to make the book stronger.

It reminded me of things maybe left out and about with the 3 first books,  perhaps they also could be expanded now and made more stronger,  thicker in volumes.  But, that is for another time. 

There is no extra money in the tank to produce part 5 right now.  I could throw it into some contests,  and will be looking at some contests to see if I can win another humor contest.  Sometimes there are financial awards there, and perhaps, it could help me to produce this volume.  Thing is, some contests want a published book,  or a book in print,  but some only require a manuscript. Some want it to be a short story,  some, a novel. That sort of weeds out many chances for my book.

I think self publishing authors have the heaviest tasks,  to get their works in the mainstream, if you take into consideration songwriters, singers, artisans of different artwork, painters, ect.  Because there are perhaps millions of self published books that enter the market year after year, most of us do get shoved to the side.

For now,  I will be spellchecking the book again, as more material by about 6 pages has been added to this book. It seems the longer you hold onto a written manuscript,  the more you are tempted to change, rearrange, expand, interpret, things differently in many areas of the book. I think a time does come to say,  wait,  enough changes,  but when you have lots of time, might as well keep on reviewing a bit. Significant changes were made to the body to make things flow, allot better. In your mind,  you ask,  can the reader understand what is happening just as good as in your own mind. There were a few instances where, I said, perhaps I did not explain that out,  expand it out,  as well as I should have.

So now,  spell check, a few times, read again,  but it is solid.

Waiting for pennies to rain down... Till next time.


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