Mass Psychosis occurring with the Vaccine Mandate today.

 Today,  we are seeing a mass Psychosis. When the governments of the world, are pushing the vaccine,  or you lose your job. When all people see this as, a good thing.  Something is wrong here. 

The Mass Psychosis over a vaccine,  that is shown and proven not to work. Israel, needs boosters. They want 4 th boosters.  Are you going to develop, an anti immune dependent disease, where,  your body says I need more candy. I am addicted to the sugar,  my specific antibodies are being created for to battle just one sort of the spike protein,  not the mutants. Very dangerous.

We seen,  the side affects on VAERS. 15000,  700000 side effects,  the USA alone. Euro Vaers, 20 000 dead,  both all in 9 months with the two systems. Canada,  adverse side effects, 15000 approx.  

A 1 in 1000 chance of myiopercarditis.  I would not give that shot to any young people.

No, something is wrong here. Just as of late,  2700 Doctors and Physicians, signed, the Rome Declaration.

If 2700 Doctors and Physcians,  are saying,  WHOA,  WHOA,  slow it down,  then what are the Governments doing.

Media supressing, the protests in England, France, Australia, all over the world,  in the 10s of thousands.

People, time to talk. Time to e mail your elective representatives. 

We seen in the Province of Uttar Pradesh in India, Ivermectin is used, in the human pill form as per Doctors recommendations, and they have nearly no COVID, for a population of 240 million.

Time for Governments,  to be unlinked from Health Care.  Leave the Doctors, do the health care,  and prescribe what they think is right in early treatment, to help Covid Patients. Not, send them home, and do nothing. 

Time to wake up from the Mass Psychosis.


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