The word is getting out...

My book is starting to get known through the vaste expanse of the internet.  I have already gotten someone who wanted to read it on good reads,  and I registered my first friend today.  It sometimes takes just a bolt of intuition on to how to get things started up.  All I know,  is I am doing allot better than I was 4 weeks ago in drumming up some sort of knowledge that the book is out there on the shelf, without spending thousands of dollars to this date.

But it always is an option, as I move forward into the months ahead.  It all depends on sales.  Part 2 alone, I was thinking,  would only bolster part 1 on the media effect.  People would obviously want Part 1 if there was a Part 2 released.  Since I have a part 3 just barely in mind,  it is almost like a Star Wars trilogy...  Only vastly in the opposite sales direction... And in the opposite theme direction...  In a black hole for now...  Till then...


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