Will decide to do a small tour of bookshops in local areas

Well,  I received  e mails from Dog Ear Publishing,  responding that they do more than allot of other publishers out there.  That they actually post the results every month.  I think I am a little frustrated,  because I had to wait past the middle of June,  now to the end of July for results.  I will be a little more patient.

I got another letter saying my application for ITIN has expired.  This was mostly due to two factors.  One was that they wanted a letter from Dog Ear Publishing from one of their financial people ( a signed official company letter with letterhead), which I did not think I had to have.  I sent all the appropriate contact information.  Second, was the Canada post strike.  Now, as long as I sell less than for a thousand dollars,  I believe I do not have to pay any taxes in the U.S.  Maybe Dog Ear is sure of this,  therefore did not send me the letter yet signed by one of their own account managers.  I am still waiting in the mail for that letter.  I give it another week, due to the mail strike,  maybe it is the reason why I did not get it.

For now,  I am on the internet blogger highway,  trying to make sense of all this new world I am venturing into.  Technology is exposed to make life easier.  Is it still people making it harder?  Lets cut the red tape,  and get into doing business again.  Till then...


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