The Supermarket Guy is available everywhere now!

Just checking some of the countries where my book is for sale.  Japan (, Croatia, Sweden (Adlibris),  and many book stores in the U.K..  Foyles book stores,  super bargain bookstore, alibris,  and the list goes on and on.  Sometimes I find the advertising a little more fairer on these sites than on Amazon,  where only the best get the front page exposure,  all the time.  What am I saying?  They obviously must deserve it.  That is just the way it goes, as the big publishers pay for great advertisements. And, no doubt, the quality factor is more than likely there for the most part.  When you got great advertising, a good product or star quality, and great sales it keeps a book high in the ranks, it stays on the front page.

I am thinking my book on Amazon can only be seen  on the Dog Ear Publishing list.  My book probably does not mix in rank with the Amazon or other books from different publishers out there on the main general lists.  I even click on Barnes and Noble, on the humor button,  and click away till I get past my date of book release.  I cannot find it in a list,  except under the Dog Ear Publishing list.  It would be nice to be even on the general list.  It must be just the way it is,  unless I am wrong and not clicking far enough. But then again,  try to scroll through Amazons list.  You can only go through 20  books per page.  Why not set it at least a hundred.  Or a thousand. Unless I am missing how to do it on that site.   I will continue to search later on.  For now, I have to go to bed after working night shift.  Hope everyone has a great day!


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