Canada Day!

It was a quiet Canada Day for myself so far.  After finishing a night shift,  I slept until 2:30 pm.  I was brule.  Or burned out,  after working 4 nights.  My neighbor then came over to show me his cub cadet.  I am the kind of person who does not like to use the neighbors stuff,  but he was so persistent over several months of  'try it',  I decided to go for a drive.  My lawn was getting a little long anyways...

My first reaction was the incredible smoothness of the machine.  The thing that really gets me the most about these machines,  was the turning radius.  My dads machine has a poor turning circle,  and you have to drive his in big turns to cut what is left from going straight after awhile.  His machine had a great turning radius,  and I was done probably 10 to 15 minutes faster after using it for a half hour of cutting.  It can cut in reverse as well,  a function my old dads lawn tractor never had in the 90s.  Albiet, my dads lawn tractor is 15 or so years old and looks like new.  This cub cadet is new,  and should last twice as long.  But,  for now I chose the exercise, as I strongly need it.  I will be pushing the push lawnmower for a little more time yet... 

No news on the book yet,  as it is having an uneventful boring start..  Till then...


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