The Supermarket Guy 1 is still all over the world.

Part 1, of The Supermarket Guy, is still all over the world. I check every so many times, to see where it is at. It is still at Saxo, Mighty Ape, de ca com uk fr jp, india books, Barnes and Nobles, Chapters Indigo, all over the world. I did not mention, all of the distributors like WHsmith, Foyles, Berkelouw, and many more...

I was told from the Publisher, that they did not call these companies (exception with Barnes and Amazon) to distribute the book through the others. They approach my publisher, and take certain books to display on their web pages. I consider myself lucky, that my book has gone to Croatia, England, Italy, China, Australia and New Zealand, to name a few of the many. I am unsure how long the book will remain on their sites, as I am unsure of how well it will sell. But, I imagine a few 100 kilobytes of a page amongst hundreds of thousands does not really matter much to them. It is all a big ocean of books, and someday, someone will buy one. It all adds up, to a big fish in the end. Right?

And, to have a great bookstore, a really great bookstore, would'nt you want your store to have largest amount of books out there on the market today? Just like Amazon, or Barnes, or Indigo. And if not, try to pick the ones with the nice covers, the great stories, that truly appeal to the masses.

I was going to draw out the cover for Part 3, in a little while from now. An atomic bomb going off on the cover,  or is that a little too much.. A large amount of light. Oh yes, I can see it now!!! It is addictive, this book creating thing that I got going here now. I may draw out the cover, maybe in the next few days. I need to hone in on my drawing skills.

On the twitter front, I consider myself lucky to have amassed 840 followers. People from all, very interesting backgrounds and hobbies.  My tweet to follower ratio is very poor, might I add. 3800 tweets to 840 followers. Some people hardly tweet, and have more followers than their tweets. How do they do it?

Besides that, T- minus 8 days till liftoff of Part 2: Rise of the Market Overlord... The Rise is coming!!! Have a great day, till next time...


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