Contest to win a book!

Here it is. This small contest is open to residents of the USA, Canada, and the United Kingdom.

8 books will be given out on Part 2, and 8 books on Part 1. To win, you must do the following:

1. Identify which book you like best. I will try to give you the book you select, depending on how many of one type goes out. Tell me what you think the cover of the selected book represents. The book you Identify out of my two authored books, is the one you could win. You just need to describe one book cover.

2. Answer the question, who is Canada's largest grocery retailer/ Supermarket?

2a. The closest description to my thoughts on the book cover, will win the book. Starting with the best description, going down the line.

3. Leave your address so I can mail you the book. I will place your first name only, with the city or town, village you are from in the winning column later on the blog.

4. I will sign the book, send it through the snail mail.

5. E mail must come in at a certain time. I will be choosing between 7 to 9 pm Atlantic standard time, this Weds night (23/05/12). Any e mails that fall outside of that time frame, will not be eligible to win.

6. Send the e mail to , in order to win.

My covers can be seen at   In order to have a look at them.

Thanks for showing up.  I do not expect allot of e mails, as this contest is tonight. Canada post is expensive, as another contest down the road maybe a reality if the book starts selling well. There is a mistake on the inside cover on Part 2, where it says "Rise of the Market Overload". This is the book you will be sent, as it could go antiquarian or up in value over time... Maybe... Till next time...


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