New Contest Win "The Supermarket Guy 1 or 2"

A new contest in the loop, to win a Part 1 or Part 2.  There are 8 available books to be won, of Part 1, and 8 available books to be won, on Part 2. Total of 16 books. This is how this contest will go ( Rules could change at any time). Doesn't every contest have that in the fine print?   Contest is open to residents of U.S.A. and Canada.

1. E mail the answer between 4 to 10 pm, Saturday, June 2. Any e mails outside this time, will not be eligible to win. Mail the answer to ___________

2. Answer the following riddle, for an object that can be found at the supermarket:  There is nothing gets by me, I work all day, as I am usually near the exits. Now and then you have to make sure the plastic bags over your produce is tight, so I can let you go through. Who am I?

2.a What do you love about your supermarket?

3.  You can win one book of either Part 1 or Part 2, and you must tell me which book you would like to read. You can check on my website to check out the synopsis.

4. Leave your mailing address behind, as I will mail the book to you. I will only post your first name, and the city you live in on this site.

Mail will be sent via snail mail, Canada Post. I will autograph the copies, and just to note that the inside title cover page of part 2 has "Rise of the Market Overload" inside, which could be a future antiquarian book! Maybe..

If there are too many contestants (Which was not the case last time), I will take the neatest answers or random 3 out of every hour until I reach the 16.

Last time, I had only 2 people that tried to even win. Maybe this time, I could have a few more. I will test the twitter elite, and advertise there one more time, to see if they can crunch out more winners. This is good for to test to see how well twitter does actually work, for advertising! Have a good day, till next time...


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