My Press Release for Part 2 came in today.

I was glad to see my press release today. In just reading it, it did make me laugh. Below is a sentence from the Press Release by Dog Ear Editors...

"Crazy motorcycle chases, spying on his competitor dressed as a woman, three-headed pigs and a bear hunt are just a small part of this hilarious romp with a would-be supermarket czar."

It did make me laugh, of the certain situations that occur in the book. They did, a really overwhelming job, of describing a few scenes of the action and humor in the book. This made me worry somewhat about Part 3, as it may not be as funny as Part 2. Part 2, maybe better than Part 1, but that is up to the public to decide. I need to fine tune, Part 3, into a finer humor book. The main body is there, but it has to be finessed.

I was away today working, so I figure the press release may be out this Monday, or Tuesday. I e mailed them back, explaining the situation.

Today was a beautiful day in Northern NB, with plus 27 C weather, but when working I failed to enjoy it today. May is becoming, our best month of weather. Like last year... June, and July should be like this, but in years before we got much rain and cold... Odd..

Have a good evening, till next time...


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