Available now! "Supermarket Guy II"


There is the link, from Amazon.com  for "The Rise of the Market Overlord"

It shows it as Overload, but they will correct the mistakes in due time... As well, as the publisher offered to correct the mistake and change it back to Overlord. So, it appears we will be back on track, it will just take a little time. It appears the publisher, will not charge me for this mistake, as I did sent in the title to them in an e mail the first time to get corrected.

The main problem, was that I did not spell check my title page inside. It always started at the main body of the book, from page one till the end.. I am just glad I caught it now.

So, this is the release with out much bang for the buck. There it is, on Amazon.com, and soon the rest of the sites, for all the world to see... I hope.. Have a good afternoon, till next time.


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