Municipal Elections held today!

Municipal elections are being held today, throughout the province of New Brunswick. Polls are open until 10 am to 8 pm. There are mixed feelings during a day like today. Who to vote for, and who will best represent your community. Then there are ballots cast for the health authority, and district school board representatives, as well.

If you live in a local service district, like me, then you will only have a shot to vote for the health authority and local school board reps.

I know when I head into an election booth, or anybody goes, we wonder what the incumbent has done for me. Did he make my life easier, and what did he do for the municipality. Did my taxes go up? That is probably the number one issue for allot of people in the voting scheme of things. Where is the money being spent? Why did they do certain projects, and did they do these projects on the beam.

We all know, there is only so much a municipality can do, in regard to governing, especially if you are just a little village. A larger city like Moncton or Saint John, has much more citizens and things to look after.

If one thing I do believe in, is an audit of every municipality after 4 years. Where did the money go, who did it go to, making sure it did not break any conflict of interest rules. Rumors abound, in small villages, over conflict of interest issues, where relatives get good payouts for land paid by a village, or money flows to a relatives construction company.

It is, after all, the taxpayers money and people should see where the money is going. Transparency, and then the audits after every 4 or so years to check the transparency. What more could a citizen ask for.. Till next time, have a good day...


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