A new contest maybe this week!

Stay tuned. Maybe you could be lucky as the two individuals who won my books, a little while ago. Another contest, maybe in the later week days coming up. I will try to line it up, for when I am off work.

I will make it just as short and as fast as the first one! Usually a 24 to 36 hr notice, and then wham bango!

A two hour time limit, a 7 to 9 pm Atlantic time date. Then, to answer a question you could easily find by typing it into your search browser, to win a book! 

It does not get much better than that! I think this his how Regis Philbin did it, on "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire!" way back when!  Maybe a multiple choice, question! Yes, we remember the call a friend, use the audience, or take away two of the wrong answers...

That was the best television game show, I had ever seen. It is just that, the host was so charismatic, and had a good flow with the audience. Many times I laughed, at his stunned reaction to his hosts awkward comments, at times. And the mans hair! He has a great mug of hair, for a man well into his twenties...

Well, I do not have a million dollars... I may have drank a million beer, though (drink responsibly)... But, I do have a few of my books as prizes to give out. A laugh maybe better than a million dollars, if you do not know where to hide it... 

A contest, at the end of the week.. A smaller one.. Probably than the first... As I did send away some books, from the pile, and it is getting lower and lower as it is easier for my Dog to jump over the pile of book as it gets down to zero...

Have a good evening, till next time...


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