Received my 40 books today.

I received my 40 books today. 30 of Part 2, and 10 of Part 1.

Part 2, was astounding. For myself, the cover looked, well. My opinion, super! I am trying not to be biased, but I find it looked great. I turned to the title page, where the error was still there. "Rise of the Market Overload". Overlord should be there, instead of Overload.

I immediately called the publisher. There, they said it is because the order went out before the correction was made. I did, make a correction for this problem, a week ago approximately.

I maybe the only one, with the 30 books with this error in it. Then again, it was showcased on Amazon and Barnes for a good while. Maybe, some people out there have the error as well.

This is a good thing, maybe, for book collectors. I talked to a woman at the local bookstore today. She said she heard stories of numerous authors, where the spell check went past several words that were not exposed to be where they were. Such as my own, Overload.. Which is a correct spelling of the word. Then, Overlord, which is the word that should be on the title cover page. Even pens, that were sent to her to sell, could not be sold due to a mistake in a big publishers title name on them. So, this stuff does happen.

The thing is afterwards, do they become collectors items. Do they go antiquarian? I am not sure, as I am not a great expert in this field. But, it is all a possibility over time. If some people did get the book with the error in it, maybe in 20 or 30 years the value could be high, just on those first printed error copies. Maybe it could be worth 30 dollars, or a few hundred, to a thousand.

I got 30 of them. Surely, no one would want them. Maybe. I will think of what to do with them, later on. This is all so, very confusing, yet interesting..

My five free books from the publisher, should be coming in 7 days. These, should be the normal, market ones, without the title page error. I hope so...

Have a great day,  till next time...


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