The tax man a cometh!

The tax man came this morning,  at 9 30 am.  He knocked on the door,   as I came to see a small man,  dressed in a tidy suit,  with a stylish Gatsby hat on.  I invited him to the door entrance,  and indicated the only change done was a new garage.  He then motioned,  if it was alright for him to come inside.  I said, alright,  but please take off your shoes.  So,  he came to the living room.  Checked what type of flooring I had.  Then,  he asked what the bedrooms had.  I brought him as far as one bedroom and one washroom,  and indicated to him it was cushion floor.  Not floating floor,  as he somehow,  or someone else may have marked it differently. Everything was marked down a few years ago.  The first time,  he was not allowed to come in,  due to the fact that my wife was here alone.  He was coming to see if we had done any renovations during that time.  Nothing was done.  Then,  he pointed to the basement.  I took him down,  and showed him a semi finished basement.

I expect my taxes to go up 100 dollars per year,  just for the garage.  If more than that,  I would be surprised.  Online,  you can see everyones property tax,  and what a house sold for a long time ago.  There is nowhere to hide any information about your house.  So much for privacy.  The old folks wouldn't like that much.  It is obvious in my last question to him.  How did he know that I built a new garage.  Well,  the building permit that I applied for led him straight to here...  Till then...


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