The authors famous "feeling kinda blue Macaroni Surprise"...

When you are pressed for time,  have a few book signings to do,  and have to shave and are behind in time, this recipe is simple as a dimple..

1 lb of hamburger browned and grease drained...
2 cups of macaroni boiled...
2 cans of low salt tomato soup..  which one is up to you,  well Heinz or Campbells, Alymers are not paying my sponsership..  (low salt!  Eat twice as much!)
cooked onions with the hamburger...
1 tsp of garlic powder to taste..  a dash of salt and pepper to taste..  You do not want your 10 fans too close to you during a signing...
grate some cheese or just use parmesan (Black diamond, Kraft is not paying for my sponsership so I cannot say which one i prefer)

Mix everything up and serve with pride.   Eat your heart out,  Rachel Ray!


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