A guy at work today bought a book!

A guy at work bought a book online today. That was a nice gesture from him. I also mentioned about the horses ass trophy that I will get at the end of the year, for least sales volume in fiction. I have to prepare, my acceptance speech.  I remember the horses ass trophy, as popular as it was in the 70s or 80s.  It was just for fun,  and usually given out to a team in darts or something,  that finished last.  When I was a kid, I would see the trophy at some houses.  A nice laugh would be generated from it.

These 4 day shifts have got me down and out. I do not know what it is, about four 12 hour shifts in a row, but, they tend to wear me out on the brain.  I will be glad to hit my days off coming up this week.  Lunch is ready, got to cut short.. Till then...


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