52 hits in one day on one of my writings!

I am surprised that I got 52 hits in one day on one of my writings about book collecting,  on Goodreads site.  Usually I get maybe a hit or two a day on a column that I write, then nothing for awhile,  and it takes months to accumulate 20 or so hits.  It is amazing,  if you can talk about something that gets to a certain segment of readers heart,  then it takes off like wildfire.  It was about book collecting.  Something I feel more people should get into,  and something that I think the Antiquarian societies should promote more of.  Some people have libraries of books.  I have,  to be honest, an 8 by 10 shelf that is full of books (encyclopedias not counting).  That many hits in one day, never happened to me before,  and not even on here.  Although I have been fortunate enough to get hits every day for the last little while on here.  Phew...  As I thought I would have to retire,  like that guy off of 60 minutes....  Whats his name..  right...

If the book does not do well,  then I am glad someone out there seems to be entertained by my wrangling.

Today,  Andy Rooney has retired at the age of 92 from his special segment on 60 minutes.  33 years on the show.  I found for the most part,  he always had the last word.  Well,  his segment was always at the end of the show.  And,  it was very entertaining,  as he seemed to slyly ridicule the governments processes and failures in an astute, but maybe devious way.  Not in the underhanded sense,  but in the circuitous sense.  What will Morely Safer do without Mr. Rooney?  He will be missed... They will have to get Lady Gaga to do the last segment...  America has retired one of its great news analysts...

Unfortunately,  no news on the book.  I guess,  sometimes no news is good news... Till then...


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