Some good news on the book front.

Last night at work,  a co worker came in.  Began asking me about the process of writing a book.  I revealed everything about the main processes that I went through,  with my publisher.  He bought a book from me.  After explaining quite a bit, and how much it cost,  we both paused and looked at each other for a few minutes.  I thought I would hear some news or something about the book I had sold him.

I broke the silence.  I said,  "So did you read my book?".  He replied,  "No", then a pause, "But the wife read it.  She liked it allot though".   So,  his wife read it.  And,  once again,  a reconfirmation of,  the status of the book.  I take this also as a strong review,  as,  if it was bad he would have greased me over pretty good.  He holds no punches, and is not a really close friend.

With other news,  it seems some news releases about my book has come out in October on certain news wires. It is hard to understand,  how this happened at all.  But,  it could be linked to my transformation of my E book into Apple format and Nook.

Also,  a few guys at work are going to buy a few copies online,  instead of me having to sell direct.  This is good,  to test how the system works from my publisher.  I will see if the tally of books purchased equals the amount on Dog Ears system.  I am sure it will..  If I am lucky,  October should be a better month than the rest and maybe I will have a few more than usual sales than the few from the guys at work.  I must really thank the guys at work,  for their support.  They all gave the book a good review.

Now,  I must go to bed,  try to recharge my batteries.  Night shifts are tough on the head...  Till then..


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