Backwards or Frontwards thinking?

I remember not too long ago,  we asked a relative from Ontario how she liked it here in our little rural New Brunswick village.  She just answered,  with a glance at my two different colored socks, "It is backwards".  Backwards.  Maybe my two different socks on my feet gave her that impression.  I do not know what happened that day,  it is when you get out of bed after a late night of work,  and haphazardly put on different socks withoug even knowing it.  But,  I think my beautiful Ontarian relative,  who was used to live in the big city,  did not have her Costco and Winners stores to go to.  Where I lived,  we had the most popular malls only 35 minutes away, but just the bare minimum for a small population.

Backwards or forwards thinking.  No one thinks much,  of backwards thinking.  What is it all about,  anyways?  And if you are Backwards thinking,  I think that is much fine.  I accept you.  A backwards person might think you are frontwards ( actually forward) thinking..  Thinking ahead.

Backwards thinking is going back in time.  Thinking about,  how the old folks,  our how our grand parents did it in their age.  And,  then comparing it to today.  How our futuristic thinking has come into play,  and how does it affect our daily social lives and interactions with others.  Some people,  may add,  that backwards thinking can leave you behind in the race for much of anything today.  I would like to think that it is not that way at all.  We all need to have a little glimpse in the past,  to orientate ourselves again in the big compass of life.  For instance,  lost recipes our grandparents handed down from generation to generation.  A lost way how they organized,  or done their business,  to think about sometimes.  Things are so fast today,  that I think we can lose touch with,  the simple and beautiful things in life.  I know that I seem to be much more busier than ever in the last little while.  Maybe it is time to go,  "Backwards",  for a week, and do it old style...  Till then...


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