Went through the Kevin Eikenberry seminar!

What a great motivational speaker he is.  Kevin Eikenberry, and his 4 points on how to follow through on a sale. He gave some advice, that, I already knew, but it was refreshing to hear again. He sells products and acquires clients for to help them systemize and sell.

I knew I had the first two points of his plan. I had the design, and I had the means to deliver. The third, was the selling point which has other branches to it. I am a poor salesperson. But, yet, I did sell pretty much out at the local bookstore here. I guess I am not that bad, after all. Just that on a huge international scale, I am a flop at the top.  Then the systemization, making things easier. Well, this is exposed to streamline sales later on.

He went on to talk about reviewers, as one caller asked, should they pay for a review. He believed, in not doing so, but it was up to the individual.  I believed also, that you should not have to pay, for a review.. There was much topics of interest during this free 90 minute trial.

If you have problems delivering, selling, or systemizing your product, you can go to the Kevin Eikenberry site and check it out. He has produced some wonderful books, and did work for Chevron. He is, a, Remarkable individual..  And he thinks we all are too... I have to agree, that you are, all,  Remarkable.. Till then..


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