Blog is up 11 % from Best Months Viewing

Once again, a great thanks is at hand for pushing my Blog up to 11 % up in viewership from my Best Months Total.

This is one day, before, it all wraps up for January. I will be away tomorrow, as this is why I am writing this blog at this time.

I will be back again, Sunday, on New Years Day. I found that I had allot more viewership from Germany, England, Italy, and India. The most unique was viewership was from the beautiful Ukraine.

The United States and Russia are nearly tied for first in viewership, with the USA still on top.

Canada did visit a few times, but not very much.

Thanks for your support, and thanks for tagging along.. Till our next adventures in Book making, which will be very soon again. Part 2 should be ready to be produced in mid January, or less, but the book may take 4 months to get on the shelf... I will talk about the process here, as things unravel, as slow as they may come.. Till then..


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