Christmas Eve soon here!

I was late, shopping this year again! Fortunate though, that the malls were nearly empty. It is, not a bad time to shop, after all. The only thing, I seen a few people looking for those precious last minute items, and unable to find them. Clerks saying, sorry, we ran out, to several people walking along the aisles.

I remember the last few days of Christmas more hectic in the past, than now. Even the liquor store, their was no line ups this morning. There was no line ups, at the Canadian Tire store ( a mans paradise here in Canada), and the traffic was good at the major supermarket in town here.  Cold minus 14 in Northern NB, but sunny out. Good thing it is not windy!

I had no time to check, or work on my book today. Too many plans, with family. Too many visits, with other people.

I want to wish, from the bottom of my heart, and the top too, the Best for the Holiday season to all the people who supported me on this Blog site.  You all made it, an easier answer, to help me ascertain as to whether or not continue with my writing and production of Part 2, starting this  January.

Once again, Best wishes this Holiday season, to you the viewer, and to all your family! And, many more, entertaining stories to come..  Till then!


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