20 cm or 8 inches of snow for tomorrow.

The forecast changed fast. It was, Sunday, calling for rain on Thursday. Now, it is snow. It will be great news for the ski doers. The Northern New Brunswick trail system is probably one of the best snow mobile trails in the world. People as far as California have come up, to ski doo on the trails. They either bring the machines up from another location, or rent them up this way.  A few establishments will rent them, and rates do vary, depending where you get them from.

I wrote about 3 pages of Part III, of the Supermarket Guy today. I know, and am fairly, fairly confident, that it will finish with a little style. There is not much to go now, I will be at the finish line in no time.

The only thing I have to watch, is leaving it go to far away from where I left off. At times, I stop writing do to other commitments, and then find myself having to read everything over from scratch, to see how everything adds up in the end. Even the finest details, which are important to a writing, can be lost if a work is left alone for a few weeks at a time.

I must continue to the finish line. Beer awaits after I cross it... Have a great night, till then..


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