Sold at least two books at the local bookstore in Bathurst!

The lady who worked at the local bookstore, indicated to me that I sold two books, maybe more at the local bookstore in the last week or so. This is good news, as traffic is relatively light there, and my book is virtually hid in the corner with a flyer covering half of it.  She was busy making sandwiches, and asked for me to return tomorrow to talk to the manager there.

I need to go tomorrow, in the afternoon, to check how it really has done. I may have to restock the store, if they sold over 4. I am not sure how many has left the store, but a definite two has sold, the lady said.

It is a shame I could not get to Moncton. Other things stopped me from going there, this week. Maybe next week, I may be able to go for a quick scoot. The wife wanted to go with me, and when her schedule is the way it is, it does not match with mine, and then nothing happens. She wants to do some shopping down there. I give her one more week to get her schedule in line with mine.. If not, then I scoot down on my own.. I only intend to go down, then come right up. A one day trip for me, or less. She wants to spend a night there. I am content with going and coming up the same day, as I did many times before. Oh well. Is it a womans world?  Have a great night,  Till then...


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