Christmas is passed, time to do other tasks!

Reading an article from Misty Harris this morning, from Postmedia news. He indicated some numbers, which I find, for myself, are hard to find. These are some of the facts he dished out on the 24th edition of the local news papers article.

Amazon announced this year, that it was selling 105 E books as compared to 100 paper books on its site.

The industry as a whole, E books now account for 1/4 of U.S. book sales, and 20 % by volume.

Most people, believe there will always be a mix of sales. Of the hard, and of the E format.

80 % of people predicted making more purchases from their E phones.

And, from that E phone, you can control your homes heating system, lights, ect, all from it. Some people believed it would eventually replace the wallet.

It just goes to show, how far technology has come, from using a VIC 20 or Commodore 64 in the early 80s. I used to love the programming of those machines, as we as kids, could change some of the programming fairly easily.  Just a few stats up there, to start your day.

Today, will be relaxing, and maybe trying to work on my Part 2 this afternoon. I have some visitors here, so, I maybe late at working. As I have said before, it is great, not to have a deadline with this stuff. Although, I was always the type of person to try to finish my work ahead of time. It is just, the way I am geared. Till then....


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