Christmas tree is up today!

Put up the Christmas tree today. It is an artificial one, as we tried the real fur trees years before. I found that sometimes they would tip over, and I had to hold them up midway with strings at times, attached to both sides of a wall. It made some messes, as sometimes, the needles from the trees fell on the floor, as usually we kept the tree a little past New Years as well. If you got a hardwood floor where you put your real tree up, then a mess of water on it could ruin a section of the floor, if it tips over. My Christmas tree area is right where the hardwood is laid out. It fell once, but luckily I was at the house to sop up the water quickly enough...

My father and mother used to take me into the woods, to get our Christmas tree year after year. I noticed, as the years went by, we had to go farther, and farther into the woods to get a nice tree. This was from 3 to 12 years old. The nicest trees were being taken, by, us and everybody around the village. This was in the late 70 s to early 80 s. Back then people would go back to their wood lots, and our land, and get a nice tree. We would haul the tree with our sleigh, to the car, and open up the trunk. The snow was about a foot deep in the woods at that time. We always had snow back then. This was, a nice time, and I will always remember those days. It was all about the excitement of getting that nice, shaped, perfect to dimension, Christmas tree. The last years, we wondered if it was going to be a Charlie Brown Christmas tree that we were going to haul out.  Eventually, we could not go back far enough to find a nice tree. Dad bought an artificial one. This ended the nice fur scents, and the pride in having a real tree in the house.

Now, you can get them anywhere from a Christmas tree grower, usually for around 30 dollars. As we know, at the side of a road, or at even a big retailer (they even sell Christmas trees on their site, to bring in people to their stores now). The only thing there, is you wonder how long ago they were cut. There are local Christmas tree growers, where you are allowed to go and pick out your own tree. Right on a plantation. Then, they will haul it out via ATV to your vehicle. We did this one year, and it was nice.

Well, now I have an artificial tree. Sigh. You can now order Pine scent, in a bottle. Maybe I will spray the tree, soak it good, in pine scent. A friend of mine, who is a heavy duty moose hunter has some. I will go find out where he buys it.. To get that scent back in the house.. Hopefully the stuff is non flammable..

Besides that, no news on the book. Or literary agent.. It may take allot more time.. Especially my ambition mode is very low as of late.. Have a great day,  Till then...


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