Sold an old hitch today. Why can't I sell a book?

Sold an old truck hitch today. A reese 5000 lb hitch. It was only 10 years old. Never used though. I sold it for approximately half of the retail price. The age was there, but was only connected to my truck for approximately 3 months before I traded it in for a new model. That is when I tore it off the back again. Before trading it in.

I think making half off of something after 10 years is not a bad deal. The years are there, after all. It took maybe a day or two to sell it. Just a local add. A guy from the area came and got it right away. No jostling, no bickering at the price. He was happy as glee.

I was thinking I should just put my book up there on a buy and sell. It should move. I was successful at everything in selling (95 %). I could sell anything I owned. Always taken care of my stuff, it left in pristine condition. Cars, furniture, appliances, all sold within days of putting it up on the market.

Now here I have a book. Average rating 4.17 out of 5 total reviews on Goodreads. I am truly baffled.

I cannot sell. Yet. Found. Figured. A way to sell it. Very interesting predicament. For you who read this too!!! Almost crazy. I will keep trying till i figure out the avenue.. For now, streets are barren.

Till next time, have a good morning tomorrow...


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