Making connections in life.

Making connections in life, is something people should not take for granted. It is important. With a few words spoken from one of your connections, could change your life forever. That ever elusive spark. It may lead you into a new business deal, a new idea, a better outlook on life, or even finding a special friend.

Those who have more friends, more input, do they do much better in life? Or do others who have less friends, lower interaction, do much better? This is a study that I would like to see done. Although, I do believe there are geniuses that have done incredible things, while locking themselves away from much contact with others.

I would have to believe that more social interaction, more community work, lends for a more down to earth and believable person. It is good to get out there with people, and converse. Albeit, regional distances may stop you from getting these important contacts to push you further. This is typically a huge problem for myself, even though the internet is now here.  The internet can help to tear down the walls, as it did for me in many instances. But it is a tough battle at times.

There is something to be said about the kind of connections that you can have. The style of connections, maybe. Maybe you got allot of political ones, that can lead you into politics. Maybe you have some in the energy sector, that may lead you into the energy movement somewhat. I have allot in industry, which is really where I am at now. Unfortunately, I do not have a broad range of contacts in each and every area of the economy. That is something that, I would like to have. To have the inside word, edge, on everything that is moving and shaking in certain directions of the economy. Get us some leads. Trade leads. Trade info. But, never forget about the friendship. It is always good to give some of your good leads, back to the one giving the leads..

No leads in the book world yet.. Till next time...


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