Fan entered me to win best Humor book 2012 on Goodreads!

If it only were offered in Florida. Hanging chads. Maybe I could win, the best humor book for 2012 on the Goodreads site!!!

Long lineups, machines that punch out the wrong candidate you chose! A twilight zone of election results!

It was very nice of this person to put my book up in the running, but I do not believe it made it past the first rung through the competition. I am thankful for the gesture, it was grand indeed!

If you think my book should belong to win a Pultzer, a Booker, or a Nobel prize, then just go ahead and nominate it! It is great to try, anyways. You never know unless you try..

Have a good afternoon. This remembrance day, we remember those who sacrificed so much that we can enjoy our world as it is offered to us today. Till next time..


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