Halloween has passed

Frightful Halloween has passed. There were a few ghosts and goblins out and about, knocking on the door for treats. Pretty tame bunch. Princesses, Bob Spongepants and a lion. All in the foggy, wet weather we got this week. No sun seems to put everybody down in the dumps. It has been raining and foggy here since this past Sunday.

It took me way back to when I was a trick or treating. The best treat was a can of pop. Only one house would give it out, and every year, that was where we would get that different thing from a chip, bar, or candy. Peanuts were alright too. There was a place where we were given bananas.

Bananas? On Halloween night. Our sugary and salt cravings caused us never to go back there, but now I sit back and realize the potassium I missed out on during my younger days. I was dressed as carrot man. maybe that had something to do with the healthy treat at this one home.

Besides that, nothing new on the book front. I sent out a few queries for some reviews, but no answers back yet. Reviewers are very busy people. I put in the e mail that I would like to get these reviews done before Christmas. I am assuming they are too backlogged to meet my review criteria. I will find somebody, someday to take another read at my book!

Have a great day, till next time..


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