First step in how to create jobs. In Yazzieland.

You are a great leader of a nation. Your unemployment rate is through the roof. You have no idea on how to even begin to turn the tide. This is one step on what I would do if I was Leader of Yazzieland. Ok, I will reveal two steps.. You all listening out there. Very simple..

Ok, Yazzieland has a few multinational corporations and allot of service industry. We have primary resources, but as the leader of Yazzieland I will tell you the best resource is your "People". Give them education first, a good university system that is accessible to all. Get the minds thinking, and focus your youth  on what I like to call competing technologies.

Tell them they can compete. Tell them they would be very good, small business people. Tell them interaction and pooling resources is the key, and to have a business plan. Make sure my opportunities agency helps with a good 75 % of the funding with grants. But, with a payback scheme over a 10 year period with an interest rate of inflation. But the business plan has to be evaluated and approved.

In Yazzieland, I would break up big multinational corporations. I would split them in half, to create jobs. To create more franchising, double up administration, construction. This would create a boom.

Instead of mergers, de merge it all. Any huge corporation in excess of certain criteria, with little competition, will be forced to be split in two by the Yazzieland bureau of competition. Too bad.

But, there would be lots of jobs created, in Yazzieland.. Yippee..

Till next time, no news on the book front..


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